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George orwell 1984 essay

George orwell 1984 essay

george orwell 1984 essay

Surveillance Essay George Orwell’s writes of a dystopian society that has become severally oppressed by the methods ‘The Party’ uses to control its society. The people do not think for themselves, and there is no independence from the government’s rules Jun 23,  · George Orwell Essay. George Orwell – Response Paper In George Orwell’s it can be seem that it does not matter how hard a government tries to formulate strict laws and rules and maintain them, there will always be one or two person who is brave enough to break them. There are two main characters that fit this blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins By George Orwell Essay. The book , by George Orwell, gives an eerie vision of a futuristic society with a totalitarian entity, who controls the nation of Oceania. In this society, no one has freedom and the government controls everybody with technology and power. Orwell’s book showed me how horrifying society could be if a government could attain an immense

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There are two main characters that fit this definition, george orwell 1984 essay. Winston Smith and his lover Julia. However their rebels do not have the similar purpose. Winston has opposite thoughts against the totalitarian control and enforced repression that are characteristic of the Party. This kind of ideas motivates him to rebel. Winston is thirty-nine years old so that he knows the time before the Party took over control. He remembers how he lost his mother and sister and what kind of staff happened during the war. His rebellious nature basically depends on his past. At his job he changes the history as it is ordered. However he keeps a diary which he writes about the true history and his personal feelings about the order.

His rebel against the Party started after the note he received from Julia. Afterwards they started to see each other which was restricted by the government because he was still married. He was interested george orwell 1984 essay old staff this is how he found the room which he spent time with Julia. He always had questions about existing of rebellion and the big brother. Basically he did not have the love for his government inside him. Because he was willing to become free. But what he was doing by keeping this diary and have an idea about freedom was thought crime and he had to keep low profile. Order custom essay George Orwell Essay with free plagiarism report. He read the book with Julia and tried make her believe what he believes.

However Julia was not that interested in the book. She looked like interested because of her love for Winston. Winston also had feeling for Julia but the was even more interesting than his love for Julia. Julia was born and grew up in the era of the Party. She does not know what was there before it. She is not rebellious because of the order her rebellious nature is caused by her adolescent desire to cause trouble for authority. She likes to act against the Party and yet gets an excitement from not to caught. She believes that although the precautions which the Party has these are not enough to stop her, since she is very careful and quick on hiding her actions, george orwell 1984 essay.

She thinks that because of her physical appearance her role as a pretty woman with dark hair is to not worry about the outcomes of her life style. She does anything she wishes if it is possible because that makes her feel like doing the right and good thing. The main example of Julia acting against the Party rules is her affair with Winston. While Julia started having an affair with Winston, she could manage to maintain this relationship for a couple of months and they did not get caught within this period. They have succeeded not to get caught because they used some simple yet useful ways. At their first meeting they were in the woods where nobody can see them. Afterwards they started to see each other at the rom which Winston rented.

The room was safe for them to meet because there was no telescreens and microphones, george orwell 1984 essay. The other way which keeps them safe was the routes they used while going to the room. They always used different routes and never get in or out from the room at the same time. These ways make Julia think like she has a freedom and the idea that she can do whatever she wants to. The government of has almost perfect control over the illegal actions of its citizens. George orwell 1984 essay that kind of accomplishment against the party encouraged her, george orwell 1984 essay. The room which Winston rented has telescreen and microphone. Their entire act against the government was seen by the authorities.

At their final meeting at the room they get caught by the thought police. They have torched Winston for months to erase his memories about the rebellion. However his love against Julia was not that easy to erase. At the last part of the torches they had finally succeeded to break his love. He bagged for them to give Julia to the rats not him, george orwell 1984 essay. However at this part I remembered the part when Julia told Winston that they can torcher him and make him say anything but they cannot change his ideas. Deep down he still has those rebellious thoughts but it does not seem like he can speak about his rebellious thoughts at loud anymore.

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What are the Key Themes in 1984? (+ Essay Examples)

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George Orwell's Essay Example with Writing Tips and Topic Ideas

george orwell 1984 essay

Surveillance Essay George Orwell’s writes of a dystopian society that has become severally oppressed by the methods ‘The Party’ uses to control its society. The people do not think for themselves, and there is no independence from the government’s rules Jan 01,  · By George Orwell English Literature Essay. Marxist literary criticism interprets a text by looking at the role of social classes and social order within the text. In , there are three main social classes. The inner party or the higher class constitutes “less than two percent of the population” (Orwell,) It’s not even past. , by George Orwell, projects a dystopia where everything is under control of the government, known as the Party. Winston Smith, a man who works for the Party in the Ministry of Truth, begins to see through the Party’s corrupted [ ] Pages: 10

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