Poverty contributes to homelessness typically as a result of the aforementioned employment issues. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as flooding and large, widespread fires can wipe out homes across cities leaving many without residence very quickly and unexpectedly To understand poverty, it is necessary to take a look at low income states such as mississippi with the current highest poverty rates. The main reason for this is because mississippi has low income so the families living there are mainly affected by poverty. However the main cause of poverty is taxes. People all over the country are severelly being Some reasons for poverty include: • Poor education • High levels of unemployment in a country • Low level of skills • Lack of access to services • Family history • Born into a poor environment People living below the poverty line are required to get government assistance, poverty rates have however decreased because of an increase in social grants
Causes of Poverty – Essay – EdgeArticles
Although our world is developing at a rapid rate in terms of technology, and many problems of the 20th century have been solved, there still are issues that humanity cannot deal with. Among such challenges as hunger, wars, natural disasters, and pollution, poverty is one of the most significant problems; in fact, it is a scourge of many developing countries. Therefore, understanding and eliminating the reasons of why poverty is still present in the world is important. When analyzing such a global issue, one should consider historical and cultural factors. Nations that are among the poorest in the world were once colonies, causes poverty essay areas from which richer countries exported slaves; also, some of these territories were drained of resources.
Rare exceptions like Canada or Australia do not deny the fact that, for example, almost the entire continent of Africa is a problematic area in terms of poverty and hunger. This happened due to the fact that colonialism contributed to the establishment of conditions where people living in former colonies cannot access capital or education, causes poverty essay. In addition, there exist several hot spots in the world where wars and political instability also cause a significant causes poverty essay in the quality of life: Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, and so on The Borgen Project.
Although such countries as the Netherlands or Belgium have a high density of population, their agricultural industry is based on mechanized farming and high-tech solutions, so poverty and hunger have no chance there. The same refers to other technologically-advanced countries, causes poverty essay. On the other hand, there are countries in Africa with only about 80 persons per square mile, causes poverty essay, but because of low soil fertility, and the use of manual labor, causes poverty essay, these countries cannot boost their productivity and development povertyhci. Along with objective poverty factors, it is also important to consider social factors—in particular, causes poverty essay, psychological traits that many poor people possess.
In many developed countries, poor people do not try to improve their financial conditions, relying on welfare payments provided to them by governments CliffsNotes. Due to causes poverty essay lack of education and skills also caused by the inability to pay for themthey cannot work at well-paid jobs, although they can still become maids, cleaners, postal workers, couriers, and so on. Doing so would enable causes poverty essay people to earn more money necessary for education and personal development, but they prefer to keep the status quo. Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue.
However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people. Remember Me. Is English your native language? Yes No. What is your profession? Student Teacher Writer Other, causes poverty essay. Username or Email. Academic Assignments Writing an Essay. Writing a Research Paper. Writing a Review. Writing Guides for Students Writing a Memoir 2. Creative Writing Guides Writing a Song 3. Writing a Letter Writing an Evaluation Letter 3.
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Poverty contributes to homelessness typically as a result of the aforementioned employment issues. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as flooding and large, widespread fires can wipe out homes across cities leaving many without residence very quickly and unexpectedly Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Government Paper #: While urbanization is identified as the main cause of poverty in Britain during the Industrial Revolution period, social problems related to health, education, and employment led the nation to poverty Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people
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