Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from Many political, social and economic changes occurred during this period. Joseph Stalin was a follower of Communism. He was actually thrown out of school for studying Marxism. Joseph Stalin was a communist. Stalin had rose to power by physically getting rid of his rivals. Joseph Stalin had Jan 13, · It could be argued that Stalin's policies were the main reason as to why he was victorious in the power struggle, however it is important to remember hat Stalin was extremely pragmatic when it came to what he believed in, changing his mind and supporting particular policies when it suited him, so the real fundamental reason as to why Stalin was victorious in Joseph Stalin, leader of Russia (), created a Five-Year Plan that included methods and goals which were detrimental to Russian agriculture in Stalin wanted to transform individual farms into large collective farms because he saw that the government was losing money to private traders. This required that the majority of farmers would have to work and live together on
Stalin - History -
In a country full of chaos, a great leader is needed to restore order. He believed in socialism in one country, stalin essay. After Stalin came into power, his goal was stalin essay make Russia a powerful communist country. To achieve this goal, he felt that Russia needed to rapidly industrialize, since they were years behind advanced countries. Collectivization meant eliminating individual farms, and placing them in government control. After WW1, Stalin essay was extremely unstable. They had retreated from the war before the allies were victorious. They had lost land and their military was weaker than it already had been. That is until Stalin made the Soviet Union involved in international affairs.
When Stalin was in power, there was no doubt that millions of innocent people had died through his strategies of making Russia more powerful. Stalin wanted to make the Soviet Union an industrial fortress and a strong nationalistic state. He figured to make Russian communism succeed industrial power was immediately needed. This was to be achieved by creating a command economy, which had meant that the industry was being forced to industrialize. Lenin had previously destroyed the power of private businesses to create a manageable industry. Therefore, when Stalin came into power, stalin essay, most of the major industries were already in government hands. Heavy industry was essential for defense and for supplying agricultural tractors and combines.
Stalin had believed that equality and democracy had to wait until the Soviet Union had a thriving industrial economy. Where within a five-year period, each business was given a target that it must reach. The punishments for failing to meet stalin essay target were extremely severe. Many people were forced to work against their own will but Stalin felt that the policy was essential. By the mids Russia had surpassed the production figures of iron, coal and oil. There was no country ever known to industrialize so quickly. As a result, unemployment had been abolished.
As Stalin was industrializing the country, he felt it was necessary to collectivize the farms of the country. As heavy industry developed, agriculture was to be collectivized. Instalin essay began. There would be no more individual farms, and no more individual farmers selling their stalin essay independently. The farmers were required to hand over a certain amount stalin essay produce to the state each year. The young, large-scale, socialized agriculture, growing now even faster than big stalin essay, had a great future and could show miracles of growth. Collectivization was mainly directed against the kulaks, which were the rich peasants who owned their own land.
Basically, stalin essay, Stalin would take land from the stalin essay who had owned it since Many stalin essay were forced to work for the state as a part of a collective commune. Some peasants and many kulaks resisted collectivization. They slaughtered their own cattle rather than to turn it over to the government. On the collective farms, peasants would be paid wages in return for handing over the produce to the government. During the WW1, stalin essay, Russia did not play a major role in the Great War. Inthe Soviet Union joined the League of Nations and made diplomatic agreements. Before WW2, both the axis powers and the democracies stalin essay that the balance of power in Europe depended of which side Russia joined.
If they joined Britain and France, Hitler would be forced to fight a two-front war. Both sides entered negotiations with Russia, but Stalin and communist Russia had been distrusted by both sides in the past, stalin essay. On August 23, stalin essay,Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty. This Nazi-Soviet pact was shocking to all countries, stalin essay Russia had stated that it was for national self-interest only. Stalin stalin essay to avoid war until, at least Russia was prepared. But later, stalin essay, Stalin was aware that Germany might eventually attack his country. On JuneGerman troops stalin essay Russia. Then later 26 other nations signed the Atlantic Charter, which was the beginning of the formation of the United Nations.
By FebruaryRussia successfully stopped the German advance, which had attacked Stalingrad. Within ten years, a primarily feudal country changed into an industrialized one. He also collectivized the farms for the good of the people as a whole. He leaded Russia into gaining more victories for the stalin essay by becoming more involved in stalin essay affairs, stalin essay. Like a father, he guided his child, the USSR, to become stronger and more powerful among others, stalin essay. By setting crucial goals for the country, the Soviet Union became stronger than it was before Stalin was in power. The only question that concerns many is, were there any other alternatives of achieving his goals, without killing millions?
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Were Stalin's Five Year Plans Successful? - A level History
, time: 13:00Essay - Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin, leader of Russia (), created a Five-Year Plan that included methods and goals which were detrimental to Russian agriculture in Stalin wanted to transform individual farms into large collective farms because he saw that the government was losing money to private traders. This required that the majority of farmers would have to work and live together on Research on Joseph Stalin Open Free Essay Launch Free Essay and search for "Joseph Stalin" to start researching. Find the perfect essay Choose from tons of different essay in various lengths, styles and themes. Find the perfect Brainstorm ideas and themes Use the essays you found on Joseph Stalin Jan 13, · It could be argued that Stalin's policies were the main reason as to why he was victorious in the power struggle, however it is important to remember hat Stalin was extremely pragmatic when it came to what he believed in, changing his mind and supporting particular policies when it suited him, so the real fundamental reason as to why Stalin was victorious in
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