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Essay on student and politics

Essay on student and politics

essay on student and politics

Jan 08,  · Students and Politics Essay – Words It has been a controversial topic for a long time whether students should actively participate in politics or not. Some politicians, teachers and students are of the view that students should whole-heartedly participate in politics and take active interest Words Short Essay on Students and Politics. Article shared by. A student may be a child or an adult, who pursues studies in an institution. Generally, he has to appear in one or the other examination, but that may not always be the case. The main point is that a student’s primary aim is or should Pursuit of studies 2 days ago · Essays on students and politics for deprivation entitlement essay famine poverty. Inserting this politics and students essays on result means horizontal velocity multiplied by the late nineties we appear to be evaluated. A static fluid enclosed in a

English Essay on Students and Politics - The College Study

The most important duty of students is to study their subjects well, essay on student and politics. They should attend their classes regularly and listen to their teachers attentively. They should increase their knowledge with the help of their teachers and other men of learning and through discussions. In fact, quite a few students do not properly study in schools, essay on student and politics, colleges and universities or at home. They show much interest in politics, and discuss political matters with each other and sometimes with members or leaders of different political parties. Some also try to become members of political parties and then begin supporting them. Those students who take active part in politics cannot learn their subjects or increase their knowledge well.

They cannot attend their classes or study their books regularly. In fact the political activities of students have deep effects on their minds. They begin taking politics to be more important than studies and even begin trying to become political leaders. They try to win the support of their fellow students First of all. It is beneficial for students to increase their knowledge of the politics of their country and of other countries. They should try to know about the policies of their government as well as about the political and military events around the world. To know all this they may read newspapers and magazines or listen to the speeches of political leaders on the radio and television.

They may even meet important political leaders at times to know their views on various social problems. Often they are not in a mood to study their books for essay on student and politics together after a little of political activity. Students of the voting age may vote in elections. They may try to learn about the political programmes of different political parties. However, they should never join political parties or become their active workers. Students should be above practical politics.

Now they have to build and reconstruct their country. The country needs able engineers, doctors, scientists, administrators those who manages public affairsteachers and workers in different fields. Students should study their subjects attentively and remain away from politics. Students may learn about politics essay on student and politics much as they can. They should not, however, take active part in politics. It has been a controversial topic for a long time whether students should actively participate in politics or not. Some politicians, teachers and students are of the view that students essay on student and politics whole-heartedly participate in politics and take active interest.

Those who are against this view also strongly put forward their points. Some people believe that politics, being a dirty game, creates groups and parties among the students. This leads to a lasting rivalry among them and disturbs their peace of mind thereby harming their academic progress. Students in schools and colleges should not waste their time in party bickerings. as their main duty is to study. Students should not be involved in a political tussle with each other. They participate in strikes, demonstrations and processions.

Participation in politics leads to the all-round development of an individual student. The student essay on student and politics to know of what is happening in the country and the world around him. He does not remain a mere book-worm but learns the qualities of leadership and he becomes aggressive, dominating and an alert young man ready to face the battle of life after college. Participation in politics makes him a good citizen, a responsible person, and a cultured human being. He gains a fair practice of debating and putting forward his view point with force and conviction. He acquires the qualities of leadership and develops the qualities of courage, the sincerity of purpose, the spirit of service, self-discipline and devotion to duty.

Such people are of the view that the great leaders of our nation were great student leaders in their student life. We can conclude that students should tread the middle path. Students should not involve themselves very active in politics which is sure to harm their studies, essay on student and politics, as being the main goal of their life, essay on student and politics. Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flickr Pinterest Behance Instagram Related Articles War Is Necessary for Peace Essay May 15, Essay on Exuberance Is Beauty June 9, Short Essay on Vocational Education January 7, Essay on The Hajj Holy Pilgrimage January 10, Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Students and Politics Essay — Words The most important duty of students is to study their subjects well. Editorial Staff Follow on Twitter January 8, 0 7, 3 minutes read. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print. Editorial Staff It is an educational blog and intended to serve as complete and self-contained work on essays, paragraph, speeches, articles, history, letters, stories, quotes. Related Articles. War Is Necessary for Peace Essay May 15, Essay on Exuberance Is Beauty June 9, Short Essay on Vocational Education January 7, Essay on The Hajj Holy Pilgrimage January 10, Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Check Also. How Science Has Changed Our Daily Life Essay May 8, Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Telegram, essay on student and politics.

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essay on student and politics

2 days ago · Essays on students and politics for deprivation entitlement essay famine poverty. Inserting this politics and students essays on result means horizontal velocity multiplied by the late nineties we appear to be evaluated. A static fluid enclosed in a Jan 08,  · Students and Politics Essay – Words It has been a controversial topic for a long time whether students should actively participate in politics or not. Some politicians, teachers and students are of the view that students should whole-heartedly participate in politics and take active interest Essays Essay on Politics for Students and Children. + Words Essay on Politics. When we hear the term politics, we usually think of the government, politicians and political parties. For a country to have an organized government and work as per specific guidelines, we require a certain organization. This is where politics comes in, as it Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

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