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Essay on self

Essay on self

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This example Essay on Self is published for educational essay on self informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. To have a self is to experience and imagine oneself as the same person in the past, present, and future. The term is distinguished from related concepts such as mind the center of cognitive activityconsciousness the experience of self-awarenessand identity the traits possessed by a self.

In contrast to psychologists, essay on self, who treat the self as an individual possession, sociologists generally view the self as a product of interpersonal relationship that is shaped by social and historical essay on self. As a consequence, for sociologists, the experience of self, and even the existence of selfhood, varies across cultures and historical periods. Symbolic interactionism is the most influential sociological theory of self. This perspective grew out of the pragmatist social psychology of George Essay on self Mead It is in the back and forth of human exchange that children learn to see themselves as others see them. Once children internalize the view that others have of them, a two-part structure is created: the I and the Me.

It initiates action, but also escapes full-fledged articulation. It can never be captured entirely or described; hence its unpredictability and creativity. This is the product of the internalization of the view of the other; the set of traits that make the self recognizable as a member of a society and community. Structural symbolic interactionists have studied these objective, and therefore measureable, aspects of the self. Erving Goffman further describes the relational character of selfhood through his dramaturgical theory. Selfhood, he argues, is the product of social performances akin to those in a theatrical production. In contrast to symbolic interactionism which, more or less, treats selves as stable and consistent over time, Goffman argues that there is no real or authentic self.

Rather, selves are situationally contingent productions that depend upon the performances of others just as much as the performances of the social actor. Postmodern theorists have emphasized the cultural origins of selfhood. Like Goffman, they insist that authentic selfhood is an illusion. Through the technique of deconstruction, they attempt to reveal the linguistic structures, and grand narratives, that generate the ideal of selfhood. Most notably, contemporary western constructions of self valorize the individual, self-contained, essay on self self, essay on self. This kind of self is critiqued because it reflects the interests and experiences of only a small essay on self of the human population.

In opposition to these culturally sanctioned aspirations, postmodernists offer an alternative ethic of selfhood. Since selves are constituted through language, and in relationship, it is possible to renegotiate and reconstruct outmoded and potentially harmful constructions of self. Here the commitment to a stable self is replaced by an ongoing playful encounter between self and other. The essay on self to self is replaced by an obligation to fruitful relationship, essay on self, selfhood becoming a product constituted only insofar as it serves the needs of relationship Gergen At its most radical, the postmodern view suggests that selfhood is infinitely malleable and even dispensable.

Several contemporary scholars have challenged this implication, even as they embrace the essay on self of language and culture to the constitution of selves. Most important here is the work of Charles Taylor For Taylor, it is precisely the weight of culture and history — especially when these are integrated into personal biography — that gives selves their solidity, objectivity, and indubitable reality. Taylor essay on self with numerous contemporaries the view that selves are constituted in narrative. In contrast to the postmodernists who deconstruct narrative, Taylor shows that humans cannot help but to think and live their lives within the framework of shared, overarching stories.

Narratives give human life existential meaning by structuring the inevitable relationship to time and death. Stories also provide people with moral orientations; deeply felt relationships to higher goods. The problem for contemporary selves, Taylor suggests, is that western cultures have lost the overarching narratives that historically have provided personal depth. Ironically, even though the principles of self-development and self-fulfillment have become central ideals of contemporary consumer societies, these principles remain without significant mooring and therefore meaning, essay on self. The most recent scholarship on selfhood has turned to problems of the body and emotion.

This is a correction to the historical dominance of the language based theories described above. Thus, emotion is not only psychological, and biological, but also sociological. Scholars such as Norbert Elias, essay on self, Michel Foucault, and Judith Butler have argued that the body is a social construction, disciplined through social norms and practices, rather than a natural fact. The achievement of selfhood depends upon the production of the kinds of bodies that align with the narratives and ideals that circulate within a culture. Recent developments in the life sciences have lead sociologists like Patricia Clough to consider how biological processes, historically inaccessible to selves, have become central to the experience and production of selfhood.

Rather than using biological theories to explain human behavior, affect theorists describe how contemporary technologies interact with biology to create and control life energies and affective flows, essay on self. Antidepressant medications, essay on self, for example, allow people to modify mood by altering neurotransmitter levels in the essay on self. In the current context, then, the self is relational not only in its linguistic and social constructions, but also in the way that it is affected by the technological manipulation of deep biological processes. Future research will have to account for selfhood at all of these levels. Essay Examples. Sociology Essay Examples. ORDER HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PAPER Always on-time. FREE INQUIRY. ORDER NOW. Special offer! Promo code: cd1a Related Posts.

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In contrast to the postmodernists who deconstruct narrative, Taylor shows that humans cannot help but to think and live their lives within the framework of shared, overarching stories. Narratives give human life existential meaning by structuring the inevitable relationship to time and death. Stories also provide people with moral orientations; deeply felt relationships to higher goods. The problem for contemporary selves, Taylor suggests, is that western cultures have lost the overarching narratives that historically have provided personal depth. Ironically, even though the principles of self-development and self-fulfillment have become central ideals of contemporary consumer societies, these principles remain without significant mooring and therefore meaning.

The most recent scholarship on selfhood has turned to problems of the body and emotion. This is a correction to the historical dominance of the language based theories described above. Thus, emotion is not only psychological, and biological, but also sociological. Scholars such as Norbert Elias, Michel Foucault, and Judith Butler have argued that the body is a social construction, disciplined through social norms and practices, rather than a natural fact. The achievement of selfhood depends upon the production of the kinds of bodies that align with the narratives and ideals that circulate within a culture.

Recent developments in the life sciences have lead sociologists like Patricia Clough to consider how biological processes, historically inaccessible to selves, have become central to the experience and production of selfhood. Rather than using biological theories to explain human behavior, affect theorists describe how contemporary technologies interact with biology to create and control life energies and affective flows. Antidepressant medications, for example, allow people to modify mood by altering neurotransmitter levels in the brain. In the current context, then, the self is relational not only in its linguistic and social constructions, but also in the way that it is affected by the technological manipulation of deep biological processes.

Future research will have to account for selfhood at all of these levels. Essay Examples. Sociology Essay Examples. ORDER HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PAPER Always on-time. Instead, it should be used to guide you on how to individually structure an essay about yourself. It is not wrong to borrow ideas from the example, however, the statements should be properly rephrased so that it does not look like you were directly lifting materials from samples. Be creative in using the example in order to deliver a good essay. However, there are instances whereby you may not have the time to write and decide to order for a custom written personal essay.

In such a case, you can submit the sample for an assignment or application since it is an original paper. The length and content of personal essays vary depending on the reason for writing, instructions among others. In order to have an easy time writing, it is advisable that you use an example that is more related to the scope of your essay or covers similar aspects to those you intend to cover. Reading sample personal essays can also give you a more vivid picture of how a good example of an essay about yourself should be crafted. Further, it will also enable you to easily distinguish between a well written example and a poorly written one. The following are some examples to read. I felt excitement at analyzing the results of my year-long undergraduate Honor thesis project.

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We are three brothers and sisters. Being the eldest I am the most responsible from my brothers and sisters. I am in charge to guide and take care of my other siblings. We all study in the same school. Reading is my passion. I am an avid reader of Novels and history books. I have a keen interest in Indian History and classical architecture. I love to read books that describe the rich history and civilization of ancient India. Apart from history, I love to read the novels of Shakespeare. Though I am rarely free from my routine works. But whenever I am free I love playing luddo game with my friends. I have been the top scorer in this game, in fact. I have a little interest in online gaming.

I rarely use my personal computer and Mobile device for games. I love to value my time for the good of my future. Friends are the best mirrors of a person. In fact, the circle of friends you chose to stay with, does define your personality and priorities. I am fortunate enough to have the best ever friends in my company. Haresh is my best friends. Not only he is my best friend but he is my class fellow as well. He has been the top scorer in my class. He is, in fact, a kind, gentle and sincere individual. I love time management and discipline in life. I have learned all of these value from my parents. My father is my true inspiration. He has groomed me like himself.

I am quite inspired by him and that has been the single aim of my life to serve the people selflessly, as my father does. Time is quite a precious commodity. I have learned throughout all the years of my life, the good value of time and discipline. I love having the time management, sound strategy and clear cut goals in the life. My life is full of experiments and achievements. I have got success many times and many times I have failed also. This all has truly taught me the importance of rising again and strike again.

I continue to update myself to be the better version of myself. Although no one can be described in a few set of sentences. One need to have though command of oneself before going to write something about his life. Living in central city, Benars, I am Kajal. I am the student of class 8. My school is located about 10 minutes away from my home. I have 2 brothers who are elder to me and one younger sister. My younger sister also studies at my same school. It is great to come school with your friends in school bus. I am good at studies at my class. All of my teachers know me personally. I am punctual and dedicated. Not only I do my homework timely but also I assist my other class friends in their school works.

I have been the position winner at my school since class 1. I have keen interest in English and history. During my free class timing I do sit at school library and read my favorite books there. Our school regularly organize annual national events. I do participate in tabloids, dramas, speeches and essay writing competitions. I am good at all extracurricular activities. Not only at school, but also I take keen interest in works at my home. I am learning cooking and practicing yoga regularly. My mother has inspired me much. She has been good books reader and know social worker. I value the personal development and human ethics. Your personality and yourself is what you have made it to be. The honesty, dedication, sincerity and humbleness are the virtues one learns during his childhood life with family, friends and at his school.

A good family gives the good children. I am truly inspired. Life is meant to be lived passionately and with a vision to do good for your fellow beings. Keeping this aim in mind, I have always aspired to serve my people in whatever capacity I can. I am thankful to my parents, friends and school teachers for standing beside me in every step of life. I am truly lucky. Myself Jiya Kumari. I live in citizen colony, Madras. I am the student of class 7 at Madras national public school. It is one of the oldest and best ever school in my town. I have two elder brothers and one younger sister.

My father is government servant whereas, my mother is a doctor. We all live happily with our parents. I usually go on foot to my school that is adjacent to my house. I reach school on exact time. During the classes I give full attention to my studies. I do my home work timely and help my fellow students in their tasks. I am also good at non academic activities like writing, dancing and sports. During my free class time in school I prefer to study books in school library. Apart from school activities, I assist my mother at my home. I am learning cooking.

My father always praise me for my talent and aptitude. I am also good at drawing. I have won many drawing competitions at my school. I am extremely thankful to my parents, my school friends and my loving teacher for being kind and helpful to me. Simplicity, sincerity and love has no parallel in human life. The one who possess all of it, never fails in life. A kind, sincere and passionate man is what precious gift in the face of a boy or girl, a student, a son, a father, husband or any one. Therefore, I always value sincerity, kindness and dedication of purpose in my life.

This is what my parents have taught me to keep it the single goal in my life. Myself Krishna, hailing from civil lines area, Mumbai. I am the student of class 6, from Modern civil lines public school. I am the only son of my parents. My family include my sister my parents and grandfather. My father is an Engineer whereas, my mother is a good housewife. Being the only son in my family I am most loved cared at by every one. I am slim, smart and good looking man with attractive personality. I am studying at one of the best schools of our area. My parents have made it possible for me to lean more and be a good person in future.

I am very punctual in my entire class. Being a genius student of my class, I am responsible for helping my other class fellows. I do help all of my class mates with great sincerity and dedication. I myself feel to be honored for being able to help others. Instead, we are taught self discipline, confidence, sincerity, and dedication of purpose. I take great interest in science and Math. In fact, I have won 3 science fair contests in our schools. I do watch sci fi movies and documentaries with great interest.

My big purpose in life is to be a scientist. I wish to serve my nation. Apart from academic achievement I myself am is the good singer and cricketer. I do play cricket during my free time with my friends. In addition to that, I also attend classes at national dance academy to learn dancing. Life is a great gift. Those people are really lucky who have got good family, friends and teachers. Since, they are instrumental behind the success of every man in this world. In that way, I feel very lucky and confident for being able to achieve all. Coming from a well educated family of central city, Calcutta, I am Pooja Kapoor. I live in civil lines Calcutta. I study in 5th class in central city public school Calcutta. My father is a civil servant while my mother is the head of public hospital Calcutta.

I have one brother and one sister. My grandmother also lives us. We are like a happy family.

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